Increased Rates of Chronic Physical Health Conditions Across all Organ Systems in Autistic Adolescents and Adults


Ward, Weir, Allison and Baron-Cohen (2023)

Research has highlighted the poorer physical health of Autistic adults compared to non-Autistic counterparts. Studies also suggest a higher mortality rate in Autistic people, in addition to poorer quality of self-reported healthcare interactions. There are however limitations to these studies with a focus on specific regions and younger Autistic people (35 years old or less). This study explores whether Autistic people experience a greater level of non-communicable health conditions, and whether this can be explained by differences in demographics, alcohol use, smoking body mass index or family medical history. Data was collected through a cross-sectional, convenience-sampling study, through an anonymous online survey of Autistic and non-Autistic adults. There were 2305 participants of which 65.9% were women and 49% were Autistic with a mean age of 41.6. Statistical analysis was conducted to analyse the data. The results showed there was statistically significant elevation of rates of non-communicable conditions across all organ systems in Autistic people. This included neurological, visual, skin, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal, ear, nose, throat and haematological conditions. The results indicated that neurological and gastrointestinal had a highly significant difference (p < 0.0001). Additionally, the authors found that Ehler-Danlos Syndrome was more likely to occur amongst Autistic women than their non-Autistic peers. Lastly, they found a higher level of Autistic people with Coeliac’s disease (gluten intolerance) than non-Autistic people. The authors stress that healthcare professionals must be aware of the range of co-occurring physical health conditions that this research suggests are more common among Autistic people. They also stress the need for further research into the connection between Coeliac's disease and Ehler-Danlos Syndrome.

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