Designing Homes for
Sensory Differences
Summit 2024

From May to July, we will be hosting four panel sessions, with expert speakers sharing good practice in housing design for autistic people and people with sensory needs. Book your free places below.

Across this summit, we will share good practice in housing design for autistic people and people with sensory needs (including people in mental health hospitals, or those at risk of admission). Our exploration of this topic will be led by person-centred values. We aim to increase understanding of sensory differences and why these matter in housing design. 

Our goal is to review the literature, knowledge and expertise already available, and use that both to identify a set of shared principles. We will create an online ‘home’ for this learning, collecting together the most useful resources. This work is intended to support autistic people and their families, housing professionals, support providers, commissioners, architects or others working in this space.

After the summit, we will publish a report summarising the learning from the panel sessions and discussions. 

Webinar Programme

Our Speakers

Sensory difference blogs

  • Webinars

    Each of our four online panel sessions with expert speakers will be followed by a Q&A.

    The webinars will be delivered online via Zoom and will last for 2 hours, including breaks. Sessions are free of charge.

  • Blogs

    We will be sharing related blogs throughout the months of the Housing Design Summit.

    If you are interested in writing a blog for us, please get in touch using the form below.

  • Resources

    We will be collating and sharing resources related to this topic. We will also be developing our own original materials.

    If you have seen any useful resources, please feel free to share them with us.

Housing design resources