‘Nothing About Us, Without Us’: Research Priorities for Autistic Girls, Women and Gender Diverse People in Australia


Grove, Clapham, Moodie, Gurrin and Hall (2024)

Autistic research has historically focused on cis male Autistic people. This had led to less tailored research with Autistic women and gender diverse people. The authors of this article address this gap in the literature via a co-produced research project exploring what would benefit the lives of Autistic women, girls and gender diverse people in Australia. The authors conducted interviews with 47 Autistic women, girls and gender diverse people from the age of seven to adulthood. Additionally, they conducted an online survey with 411 Autistic people. The authors split their findings into two categories Autistic young people and Autistic adults. The six findings from the Autistic young people were: better support and understanding in school; understanding of lived experience including strengths and challenges; mental health support that is Autism specific; Autistic friendships and relationships; lived experience of gender diversity; accommodations. The Autistic adults showed eight key research findings: support and understanding for specific adulthood needs; experiencing trauma, abuse and sexual violence; mental health and wellbeing; barriers in healthcare; support and understanding for physical health; addressing barriers for education and within the workplace; the importance of Autistic identity and embracing Neurodiversity; creating and co-designing research with, and support for, Autistic people. The article concludes with a discussion of the importance of these finding for future Autism research in Australia.

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