Toward a Phenomenological Account of Embodied Subjectivity in Autism


Boldsen (2018)

This article focuses on the shift in Autism research from a focus on Autism in just the mind to Autism grounded in the body. The author argues that to place the bodily experience of Autism in the forefront of research then a phenomenological understanding is needed. This presents the body itself in ordinary experiences as the subject of those experiences rather than just a physical object. Through the phenomenological processes of Merleau-Ponty the author employs a frame of understanding for the bodily experience of Autism. This is done through the phenomenological analysis of Tito Mukhopadhyay’s autobiographical work, “How can I talk if my lips don’t move”. The author discusses the relevance and potential of phenomenological philosophy in Autism research, arguing that this approach enables a deeper understanding of bodily and subjective experiences related to Autism.

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