Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness


M. Remi Yergeau (2018)

Content Warning: ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis), Abuse, Self-Harm, Suicide, Ableism

In this philosophically minded book, by using Queer theory as a framework Yergeau explores how stereotypes deny Autistic people their humanity. They define neurodivergence as an identity – neuroqueerness – rather than a medical impairment. Throughout the work Yergeau challenges the wider research particularly in cognitive studies and their negative understandings of neurodivergence. They also critique intensive behavioural interventions and questions the ableist privileging of intentionality and diplomacy in rhetorical traditions. Through their story telling method they present an alternative view of autistic rhetoricity by framing autism as a narrative condition wherein autistics are the best people to define their experience. Yergeau shows how autistic people queer the lines of rhetoric, humanity, and agency. A good starting point when looking at the philosophy and ontology of Autism and neurodivergence.

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