The Autistic Traveler



The Autistic Traveler is a blog written by Rosie. The blog is for late diagnosed Autistic Adults who are new or seasoned travellers - from taking the local bus to wandering over the world. Rosie chronicles their travels with the hope that one Autistic person’s experiences can offer useful insight and tools.

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A National Framework to Deliver Improved Outcomes in All-Age Autism Assessment Pathways: Guidance for Integrated Care Boards
The Autistic Doctor: How Finding my Neurokin Helped me to Embrace my Identity
Autism in England: Assessing Underdiagnosis in a Population-Based Cohort Study of Prospectively Collected Primary Care Data
Centering the Inner Experience of Autism: Development of the Self-Assessment of Autistic Traits
Psychometric Exploration of the RAADS-R with Autistic Adults: Implications for Research and Clinical Practice