Learning from Lived Experience of Grooming and Coercive Control


Chaired by Jill Corbyn with Penni Charteress, Heather and Steph

Content Warning: Grooming, Abuse and Coercive Control

Heather and Steph are members of the DIVAS group supported by Penni from The Women’s Centre In Cornwall. This webinar looks at the training and improvement work that DIVAS support and hear reflections on how to identify a health relationship. The panellists also discuss the barriers to services, and what services could do differently to better meet the needs of neurodivergent women.

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At Neurodiverse Connection, we are committed to promoting the use of neurodivergent affirming language. However, please do note that in these webinars, as with any content that Neurodiverse Connection host or share that includes input from other organisations or parties, we cannot guarantee that the preferred neurodivergent affirming terminology is always used.

Our guide to neurodivergent affirming language is available here:

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