Dive into a collection of articles that amplify neurodivergent voices, support a more thorough understanding of neurodiversity, and challenge common misconceptions.

Autism Research—What’s New in June
Ann Memmott PgC MA Ann Memmott PgC MA

Autism Research—What’s New in June

This research roundup picks out some of the current big debates on autistic lives, and showcases new and important research from teams and academics working within the field.

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Autism Research—What’s New in May
Ann Memmott PgC MA Ann Memmott PgC MA

Autism Research—What’s New in May

This research roundup picks out some of the current big debates on autistic lives, and showcases new and important research from teams and academics working within the field.

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To disclose, or not to disclose?
Warda Farah Warda Farah

To disclose, or not to disclose?

Warda Farah examines four key aspects of a difficult question faced by many Neurodivergent individuals: whether or not to disclose their diagnoses at their place of work.

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A rollercoaster: neurodivergent and in the media
Nick Ransom Nick Ransom

A rollercoaster: neurodivergent and in the media

I only heard the term ‘neurodiversity’ a few years back, but in reality, it’s dominated my whole life. Subconsciously, for years, I thought different, I felt different and, in 2017, being diagnosed as autistic changed my life for the better.

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Neurodivergent friendly recruitment
Jill Corbyn Jill Corbyn

Neurodivergent friendly recruitment

Recruitment and employment processes can be baffling, and often seem to test social skills and ‘culture fit’ rather than competence to fulfil the role and ‘culture add’. We are excited to try a new way of recruiting and a new way of working.

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Working full time
Adam Fare Adam Fare

Working full time

Only around 2 in every 10 Autistic people (with a diagnosis) is in employment. The world of employment can be a minefield for Neurodivergent people. It’s something I have tried to navigate for about 6 years now, and one I’ve had mixed results with.

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