Dive into a collection of articles that amplify neurodivergent voices, support a more thorough understanding of neurodiversity, and challenge common misconceptions.

Hospital is not a home
Dr Cassandra Lovelock Dr Cassandra Lovelock

Hospital is not a home

Cassie Lovelock considers what would an accessible social housing system look like for neurodivergent folk?

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Creating an AuDHD-friendly home
Sarah Boon Sarah Boon

Creating an AuDHD-friendly home

AuDHD author Sarah Boon shares how she has carefully chosen and adapted the colours, textures, furniture and lighting of own home to suit her sensory processing needs.

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Is my environment making me sick?
Warda Farah Warda Farah

Is my environment making me sick?

As I write this I sit in my ground floor in Deptford, London. I grew up in this area and every street, crevice and cobbled alleys holds pieces of hazy memories from my youth. You see I was made in Deptford and now I feel as if the place that defined who I am is dying piece by piece, with each new edgy coffee shop and hairdresser my old stomping ground ceases to be.

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