Dive into a collection of articles that amplify neurodivergent voices, support a more thorough understanding of neurodiversity, and challenge common misconceptions.

Coercion, grooming and online harms

Coercion, grooming and online harms

Coercion and grooming have run like letters through a stick of rock in all the project work I have done for ARC England over the last 15 years. Most recently in supporting women with learning disabilities and autistic women who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence, and in the work I am currently involved in on online harms; but the origins go right back to the ARC Safety Net project which identified what we now call ‘mate crime’.

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Neurodivergent people are more likely to experience grooming and coercive control, yet face more barriers to accessing services and support

Neurodivergent people are more likely to experience grooming and coercive control, yet face more barriers to accessing services and support

In this blog, Meena Kumari (H.O.P.E Training) examines the alarming statistics that demonstrate the critical need for tailored support and proactive measures to protect neurodiverse individuals from grooming and coercive control.

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Celebrating Black Autistic Women: Say it loud “ I’m Black Autistic &amp; I am Proud”</span>
Warda Farah Warda Farah

Celebrating Black Autistic Women: Say it loud “ I’m Black Autistic & I am Proud”

Black History Month, a time to honour and celebrate the immense contributions and resilience of Black individuals throughout history, also offers an opportunity to explore the intersecting identities that make each person unique. Among the remarkable individuals who have shaped history are Black autistic women, whose stories and experiences are often overlooked or untold. In this blog, we delve into what it means to be a Black autistic woman and how their presence enriches the tapestry of Black history.

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