Dive into a collection of articles that amplify neurodivergent voices, support a more thorough understanding of neurodiversity, and challenge common misconceptions.

Disability Hate Crime Week: Mate Crime and Neurodiversity
Cassandra Lovelock and El Dewar Cassandra Lovelock and El Dewar

Disability Hate Crime Week: Mate Crime and Neurodiversity

The 14th to the 21st of October is National Hate Crime Awareness Week. Hate crime awareness week includes awareness of disability hate crime, which differs from other forms of hate crime. The definition of disability hate crime is “any criminal offense which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s disability or perceived disability” (College of Policing, 2014).

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11 Things I Love About Being Autistic
Callum Stephen Howes Callum Stephen Howes

11 Things I Love About Being Autistic

Every once in a while, one of my fellow autists will tell me that they sometimes feel down about being autistic and experience low self-esteem. This is heart-breaking to me, because – whilst we may experience challenges and it is valid to acknowledge them – we deserve to love who we are and cherish our neurodivergent brains.

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Neurodiverse Connection launches a Black and Autistic support group
Warda Farah Warda Farah

Neurodiverse Connection launches a Black and Autistic support group

What I’m writing about and advocating for may seem controversial to some and for others like myself it’s about time we talked about. The need for Black only spaces has recently become a debate due to the The Theatre Royal Stratford East has come under criticism after it asked all non-black customers not to attend a performance of the play ‘Tambo and Bones’.

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The Diagnosis Journey
Tina Tina

The Diagnosis Journey

Nothing could have prepared me for the emotional, psychological and physical toll the ADHD and autism diagnosis process would have on me.

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Designing a brand that  celebrates neurodiversity
Thomas Barnett Thomas Barnett

Designing a brand that celebrates neurodiversity

Graphic designer and brand consultant Thomas Barnett takes us behind the scenes of the NdC brand, exploring how graphic design should go beyond accessibility to actively celebrate neurodiversity.

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Autistic Joy
Cos Michael Cos Michael

Autistic Joy

The are many terms used to describe the various experiences of being autistic and recently, I’ve been hearing the term, ‘autistic joy.’ Sometimes I struggle to understand whether phrases like this are the title of a researched phenomenon or are being used colloquially, to describe a general state.

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Embracing Autistic Children’s Monotropic Flow States
Helen Edgar Helen Edgar

Embracing Autistic Children’s Monotropic Flow States

Autistic and ADHD people are more likely to be monotropic than the rest of the population. This means they focus more energy and resources on fewer interests/tasks/ sensory input at any one time compared to non-autistic polytropic people.

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Why I no longer sit on my hands
El Dewar El Dewar

Why I no longer sit on my hands

When I was small I heard: “Will you sit still?!” , “You’re fidgeting!”

Then there was the one that changed everything …

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