Resources Library

In this library, we’ve collated some of our most referenced resources, prioritising the inclusion of neurodiversity affirming works by neurodivergent authors.

This page is under constant development. Please let us know if there’s anything you think we need to add or remove from this page.

Some resources may include person-first language, or outdated and non-preferred terms, such as ‘aspergers’, ‘disordered’, ‘high/low functioning’ etc. Inclusion in this list doesn’t mean we agree with all the content, but that we’ve generally found them useful resources.

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Women & Girls

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‘Nothing About Us, Without Us’: Research Priorities for Autistic Girls, Women and Gender Diverse People in Australia
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Acoustics of Classrooms
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A Beginner's Guide to Intersectionality in the Early Years
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A Guide to Neurodiversity in the Early Years
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An Experience Sensitive Approach to Care with and for Autistic Children and Young People in Clinical Services
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Assessing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Autistic and Non-Autistic Early Adolescents Using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
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Autism Tips for Teachers – By an Autistic Teacher
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Autism Understood
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Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Children
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Building a Trauma-Informed Restorative School: Skills and Approaches for Improving Culture and Behaviour
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Childhood Trauma, the Brain and the Social World
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Comparing Narrative Writing of Autistic and Non-Autistic College Students
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Do No Harm: Can School Mental Health Interventions Cause Iatrogenic Harm?
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Emotionally-Based School Avoidance in Neurodivergent Children and The Discriminatory System of Prosecution
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‘I Don't Know what is Autism, what is Normal Teenage Behaviour, and What is Naughtiness’: Conceptualising Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence in the Context of Neurodevelopmental Difference
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Inclusive Education for Autistic Children: Helping Children and Young People to Learn and Flourish in the Classroom
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Learning About Neurodiversity at School (LEANS) Resources
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Learning from Autistic Teachers: How to be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School
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Learning from Autistic teachers: Lessons about Change in an Era of COVID-19
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Missing the Mark: Illustrated Reflections on and Guidance Through Autism and the Education System
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My Brain is Autistic
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PDA Information Sheet for Teaching Professionals
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Reasonable Adjustments Possible at School
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Research on Post-Diagnostic Support for Autistic Young People
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Rewriting the Narrative. Lessons about School Inclusion from Autistic Adolescent Girls who Stop Attending School
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Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Schools: A Guide to Whole-School Strategies and Practical Support
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Spectrum Critters Comics: What is Masking?
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Stimming is Fun: A NeuroInclusive Story About Sensory Harmony Featuring Otto Crow
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Stories That Never Stand Still
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The ADHD Hero Activity Book
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The Earlier, the Better? An In-Depth Interview Study on the Ethics of Early Detection with Parents of Children at an Elevated Likelihood for Autism
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The Explosive Child : A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children
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The Kindness Principle: Making Relational Behaviour Management Work in Schools
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The Misnomer of ‘High Functioning Autism’: Intelligence is an Imprecise Predictor of Functional Abilities at Diagnosis
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The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder in the Adolescent and Young Adult Years
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Triple-A: Attention, Arousal and Anxiety in the Classroom
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What are the Views and Experiences of Autistic Teachers?
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When the Adults Change, Everything Changes: Seismic Shifts in School Behaviour
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