Resources Library

In this library, we’ve collated some of our most referenced resources, prioritising the inclusion of neurodiversity affirming works by neurodivergent authors.

This page is under constant development. Please let us know if there’s anything you think we need to add or remove from this page.

Some resources may include person-first language, or outdated and non-preferred terms, such as ‘aspergers’, ‘disordered’, ‘high/low functioning’ etc. Inclusion in this list doesn’t mean we agree with all the content, but that we’ve generally found them useful resources.

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Respect: Phoneline
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Respond: From Hurt to Healing
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Responding to the Crisis of Care
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Responding to Coercive Control in Criminal Justice Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes in England and Wales: Conceptual, Operational, and Methodological Complexities
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Responsive Communication: Combining Attention to Sensory Issues with Using Body Language (Intensive Interaction) to Interact with Autistic Children and Adults
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Restraint Reduction Network launches Blanket Restrictions Toolkit in partnership with National Quality Improvement Taskforce
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Rethinking being a "Picky Eater"
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“Retirement Is One Hell of a Change”: Autistic People's Experiences of Retiring
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Rewriting the Narrative. Lessons about School Inclusion from Autistic Adolescent Girls who Stop Attending School
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Rights of Women
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Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) – Grimaldi Building
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Safeguarding Autistic Girls, Strategies for Professionals
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Safeguarding Neurodivergent Individuals from Spiritual Abuse
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Safety Plan Template
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SARSAS (Sexual Assault Survivor Support)
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Self-Blame and (Becoming) the Crazy Ex: Domestic Abuse, Information Sharing and Responsibilisation
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Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Schools: A Guide to Whole-School Strategies and Practical Support
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Self-Harm Events and Suicide Deaths Among Autistic Individuals in Ontario, Canada
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Sensory Experiences of Autistic Adults in Public Spaces, Including Principles of Sensory Environments
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Sensory Friendly Resource Pack
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Sensory-Inclusive Spaces for Autistic People: We Need to Build the Evidence Base
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Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndromes: Different Sensory Experiences – Different Perceptual Worlds
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Sensory Trauma: Autism, Sensory Difference and the Daily Experience of Fear
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Sexual Abuse Online: Helping My Autistic Child
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Sistah Space
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SLPs as AAC Gatekeepers
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Southall Black Sisters
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Spectrum Critters Comics: What is Masking?
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Starting Points for Autism
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Staying Safe... ..On Social Media and Online
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Stim: An Autistic Anthology
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Stimming is Fun: A NeuroInclusive Story About Sensory Harmony Featuring Otto Crow
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Stories That Never Stand Still
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Supporting Autistic Adults who have Experienced Intimate Violence and Abuse
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Supporting Autistic People Flourishing at Home and Beyond: Considering and Meeting the Sensory Needs of Autistic People in Housing’
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Supporting Autistic People with Eating Disorders: A Guide to Adapting Treatment and Supporting Recovery
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Supporting Neurodivergent People Impacted by Coercive and Controlling Behaviour
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Supporting Spectacular Girls: A Practical Guide to Developing Autistic Girls’ Wellbeing and Self-Esteem
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Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA)
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Technical Note: Sensory Friendly LED Lighting for Healthcare Environments
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Ten steps to Nanette
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The ADHD Foundation
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The ADHD Hero Activity Book
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The Adult Autism Assessment Handbook: A Neurodiversity Affirmative Approach
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The Anger Box: Sensory Turmoil and Pain in Autism
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The Autism Books by Autistic Authors Project
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The Autism Friendly Guide to Periods
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The Autistic Doctor: How Finding my Neurokin Helped me to Embrace my Identity
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The Autistic Trans Guide to Life
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The Autistic Traveler
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The Body Check Ring
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The Earlier, the Better? An In-Depth Interview Study on the Ethics of Early Detection with Parents of Children at an Elevated Likelihood for Autism
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The Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS)
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The Experience of Parenting South Asian Neurodivergent Children in Modern Britain
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The Experiences of Autistic Doctors: A Cross-Sectional Study
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The Experiences of Medical Students with ADHD: A Phenomenological Study
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The Explosive Child : A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children
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The Extent and Nature of Autistic People’s Violence Experiences During Adulthood: A Cross‑sectional Study of Victimisation
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The Kindness Principle: Making Relational Behaviour Management Work in Schools
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The Kimel Foundation
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The Misnomer of ‘High Functioning Autism’: Intelligence is an Imprecise Predictor of Functional Abilities at Diagnosis
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The National Domestic Abuse Helpline
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The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder in the Adolescent and Young Adult Years
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The Pocket Guide to Neurodiversity
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The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe
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The Unbearable Brightness of Seeing
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The WayMakers
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The Wisdom of your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection Through Embodied Living
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Toward a Phenomenological Account of Embodied Subjectivity in Autism
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Toward Understanding and Enhancing Self-Determination: A Qualitative Exploration with Autistic Adults without Co-Occurring Intellectual Disability
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Transforming the Culture of Care
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Triple-A: Attention, Arousal and Anxiety in the Classroom
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Unbroken: Learning to Live Beyond an Autism Diagnosis
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Understanding Autistic Relationships Across the Lifespan: Family, Friends, Lovers and Others
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Unmasking Autism
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Unravelling Complexity: Autistic Insights into Grooming and Exploitation Through an Intersectional Lens
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Untypical: How the World isn't Built for Autistic People and what we Should all do About it
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Victim Support
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Visual Pain Images VPI UK
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Wired Differently: How Neurodiversity adds New Skillsets to the Workplace
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Walk in My Shoes
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What are the Views and Experiences of Autistic Teachers?
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What You Are Hiding Could Be Hurting You: Autistic Masking in Relation to Mental Health, Interpersonal Trauma, Authenticity, and Self-Esteem
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When the Adults Change, Everything Changes: Seismic Shifts in School Behaviour
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When We Design for Autism, We Design for Everyone
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Where my OCD and Autism Overlaps
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Why is Healthcare so Inaccessible to Autistic People
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Women’s Aid
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Working with Neurodivergent Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse
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Working with Women with Learning Disabilities who have Experienced Gender-Based Violence
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‘Why are We Stuck in Hospital?’ Understanding Delayed Hospital Discharges for People with Learning Disabilities and/or Autistic People in Long-Stay Hospitals in the UK
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Your Child has been Diagnosed with Nonspeaking Autism? Read this First
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